JAM Success Story | Subhadip Giri | rank-202

Soumyajit Chakraborty
2 min readNov 23, 2020

We got in touch with Subhadip Giri, a first-year 2yr MSC math student in IIT Kharagpur, for providing us answers to frequently asked questions for students, who want to clear JAM mathematics the next years. Here are some excerpts -

Year of JAM Math: 2020
Rank: 202

Q. Tell us something about you, your background, childhood?

Ans. I’m from a middle-class family and I was a backbencher up to class 8😀😀

Q. Tell us where you did your B.Sc. and how was the college?

Ans. I did BSc in Midnapore College… It is a known college in WB.. but it doesn’t affect more on your self-study

Q. What rank did you score in JAM? And what was your motivation/purpose to crack JAM?

Ans. To be honest, I gave the exam as a mock test just to know me. And for that calm motive in the exam, I’ve been selected. You’ve to be calm never be worried in the exam hall.

Q. From when you started serious study for JAM?

Ans. I started a thorough study from November

Q. What was your study strategy/plan to crack JAM?

Ans. The main strategy of mine was… Making my own point of view for attending MCQ questions.. doesn’t matter it's logical or illogical… The motive is all answer is correct with my theory or not.

Q. How much time a day you devoted to studying? And how you balanced time for semester and JAM?

Ans. Really saying… I forgot semester study up to February.. then the exam is done and the corona holiday starts..😅😅😅

Q. What helped you the most to crack JAM? (eg. college, tuition, coaching, or something else)

Ans. Everywhere… from where I get any new knowledge and new ideas to solve.

Q. What according to you should be the most important in the preparation of JAM?

Ans. Most important will be your creativity and your personal corollary about what u have read now…

Q. What would be your advice to the juniors who will appear in JAM next year?

Ans. All the best guys… Be your own.. take mock tests before a week from the exam… And neveeerrrrrrr worry about u have to do more… Just target I’ve to cross half with confidence 😇



Soumyajit Chakraborty

Hello all, this is Soumyajit Chakraborty, third year UG student in Mathematics and Computing in IIT Kharagpur.